CMA Rule Book 1
Regulations for Individual Sports
Applies to Dirt Track, Speedway, Road Racing, Mini Road Racing, Ice Racing
Latest Version: 2025
Canadian Motorcycle Association Rules & Regulations Governing All Open Competition
Note: The terms hereof importing the singular number or the masculine gender shall include the plural number or the feminine gender as the case may be.
Regulations for Individual Sports
Racing on specially prepared flat or banked oval tracks, in a counter-clockwise direction
Mile – over 1200 meters in length
1/2 Mile – over 536 up to 1200 meters in length
Short Track – 536 meters or less
Tracks are measured 1 meter from the inside pole or rail.
– Open Intermediate, Expert
1/2 Mile
– 450 Novice, Intermediate, Expert
– 600 Novice
– Open Expert, Intermediate
– Speedway
– Youth 50cc, 65cc, 85cc
– Youth 250 4 stroke/85-125cc 2 stroke
– Veteran
When the organizer elects not to run the optional 450 Expert class, the Purse normally paid to that class must be added to the Open Expert class.
Short Track
– 450 Novice, Intermediate, Expert
– 600 Novice
– Open Intermediate, Expert
– Youth 250 4 stroke/85-125cc 2 stroke
– Veteran
– Speedway
– Youth 50cc, 65cc, 85cc
– Optional class is 450 Expert. When the organizer elects not to run this class, the purse normally paid must be added to the Open Expert Class.
(i) ATV specifications
An ATV is a four wheeled balloon tired off-road vehicle having a wheel at each diagonal extremity, consisting of a complete integral unit having accommodation for a rider only, sitting astride, steered by a handlebar.
All engines must be production model ATV engines or single cylinder production model motorcycle engines available for sale to the general public.
ATV’s must be 2 wheel drive – no 4 wheel or all wheel permitted. ATV machines must be equipped with a tether switch.
(ii) Youth riders may participate in two Youth classes at the same event, providing they qualify according to age requirements. Riders may participate in the Youth or Novice classes, but not both.
(iii) Youth 50cc class – no modifications permitted, except tires.
Lower Limits
– 450 class: 200cc
– Youth 85: 78cc
– Youth 65: 55cc
– Veteran: 250cc
Displacement limits for classes will be as listed, plus 5%. This 5% is to permit overbores to compensate for wear. However, any engine within the total maximum allowable cc’s shall De legal for the class regardless of how its displacement is obtained. (sleeving, stroking permitted), i.e. 600 class will allow 600 cc + 30 = 630 cc.
A #1 Plate will be awarded to classes as determined from time to time by the CMA Board. Riders who earn a National number will have their regular number reserved for the following year.
Age Definitions
– minimum is the birthday of the rider
– maximum is the end of the year in which the rider reaches the age
Youth Classes
50cc: minimum 5/maximum 8
65cc: minimum 7/maximum 10
85cc: minimum 9/maximum 14
250cc: minimum 10/maximum 16
Expert, Speedway
– DI, DII: minimum 15
Veteran: minimum 40
All others: minimum 13
Competitors must wear CMA approved riding equipment in good condition, consisting of leather or Kevlar® gloves, jacket, pants, boots of a minimum height of 8″ from the top of the sole and overlapping the pants, approved racing helmet, approved face shield or goggles with soft or padded rims. This also applies to practising. Hard plastic boots, manufactured for motorcycle competition may be substituted for leather.
Youth Classes may substitute the required clothing as follows:
– Safety work boots are permitted. Lower leg and shin protectors must be worn with them.
– Motocross shirts and padded pants are permitted.
For Speedway Tracks under 250 meters in length and Short Tracks of 536 meters or less, approved clothing includes that which is manufactured commercially for motocross competition (must include a chest protector).
Approved helmets must be certified by the manufacturer as meeting at least one of the following standards, and must have the original certification label(s) affixed (clearly visible/not painted over)
Accepted standards are:
Europe – ECE 22-05 (P only)
Great Britain – BS 6658 Grade A (Road Racing) and Grade B (all other disciplines)
Japan – JIS T 8133 : 2007
North America – Snell M2010, Scorpion ECE 750 Series
Machines must be fitted with a rear brake only (except Speedway).
All machines are to be fitted with a folding footrest on the right hand side, folding up and back at a 45 degree angle and to be mounted not lower than the frame. Fitting of a left hand footrest is optional, but
when fitted it must be of the folding type as above and fitted in the rear of the gear box and must never touch the rear chain.
Engine fuel must consist of gasoline defined as a petroleum fuel where specific gravity falls within the range 0.700 to 0.765 at 60 degrees F, and whose dielectric constant falls within the range 2.025 + 5 (2.025 is “0” reference meter). Additives for lubrication and knock suppression will be permitted, provided the resulting mixture falls within the above values.
Supercharging by means of a device of any kind is forbidden. The direct injection of fuel is not considered to be supercharging. Fuel, Oil & Coolants Refer to Speedway Q-16 S
(i)The following restrictions apply to the 600 and Open Expert classes for 1/2 Mile and Mile events
For Dunlop DT-II the following are approved:
Fronts – 27.0 x 7.0-19 CD5
Rear – 27.5 x 7.5-19 CD8
For Maxxis M7302 DTRI:
Fronts – 27.0 x 7.0-19 CD3
Rear – 27.5 x 7.5-19 CD5
– Golden Tyre cc5
– VRubber Winner 5
– For Dunlop DT3:
Front F5
Rear R5
Rear R8 for Expert 1/2 Mile classes
There are no compound restrictions on other brands. This list may be amended annually, or earlier if the need arises.
(ii) Youth Classes only are permitted the use of knobby tires.
The use of handlebars made from carbon, kevlar or any other composite materials is forbidden.
Note: where class combinations differ from those listed below, purse distribution will be established by head office.
Distribution by finishing position
– 8 places % 33/22/14/10/8/6/4/3
– 6 places % 40/25/15/10/5/5
Distribution by class
(i) Mile
Open Expert - 60% (8 places)
600 Expert - 30% (8 places)
600 Intermediate - 10% (6 places)
600 Novice - trophies (minimum 6 places)
(ii) 1/2 Mile
(iii) Short Track
Speedway – additional procedures
1/2 Mile – when all riders compete in heat, semi and final, prize money will be paid on total points earned (except National Championships).
Points will be awarded 6-5-4-3-2-1 each race. Short Track – Points will be awarded on the basis of 4-3-2-1.
Ties will be broken by position in the final race.
When optional classes are run, prizes awarded must be in addition to the advertised purse except where specified in Q-1.
The above formula applies to advertised purses up to $5,000.
When prizes exceed $5,000 (must be in minimum increments of $500), the total portion payable to the Expert classes will be distributed according to a breakdown which pays all riders who qualify and start in
the finals.
When an event is uncompleted through force majeur, the remaining prize money shall immediately be made available to the CMA office for distribution according to the situation.
In the event of a dead-heat, the money for the two positions shall be divided equally. The points for the higher position shall be duplicated.
When all advertised classes are run, the total purse must be paid.
Where the number of positions to be paid exceeds the number of finishers, the money for the vacant positions must be redistributed within that class.
H20 (water) only may be used to control dust during the running of the race. Other dust control products may be applied to the race track up to six (6) hours preceeding the first practice session. Only products that are non-corrosive may be used to control dust.
No rider’s entry will be accepted after the first race or heat has started, except in extreme circumstances at the discretion of the Referee.
No machines may be ridden in the paddock or pit areas, except as permitted by the Referee.
Access to restricted areas (reference N-7) is limited to CMA members who have signed the official release.
All persons in the restricted areas must have an official pass, prominently displayed on their person at all times.
Riders shall practice with their own class of rider, i.e. novice with novice, experts with experts, Speedway Div. 1 with Div. l/Div. 2 with 2.
Lightweight class machines shall not race or practice with larger capacity machines.
Any machine involved in a crash necessitating a restart, shall be rescrutineered before allowed to restart.
At Referee’s discretion, riders are permitted to inspect the track between races. The race programme must include a time allowance for this.
When an event is cancelled due to weather, and practice and/or a portion of the programme has been run, entry fees must be refunded to all riders who have not practiced.
The organizers shall have the right to specify that the heat and/or the semi final are deemed to be qualifying races, even though no riders will be eliminated by their position in such qualifiers.
At the first event of the season, starting line positions for the heats will be determined by the final standings in the previous year.
At each of the following events, starting line positions for the heats will be determined by the current standings.
Starting line positions for the finals will be determined by the finishing positions in the heats.
The width of the track at the starting line, divided by 1.5 meters per rider, shall determine the maximum number of starters permitted in each line. In no case will more than 10 riders be permitted to start in one line.
For 1/2 Mile
Expert – a maximum of 18 riders may participate in the Final (3 rows 6/6/6).
Intermediate and Novice – a maximum of 12 riders may participate in the final (two rows 6/6)
For Short Track events a maximum of 15 riders may participate in the Final. (3 rows – 6/6/3).
The Referee has the authority to restrict the number of starters in each line for safety reasons.
There must be a minimum of six inches between ATV’s on the starting line.
(i) Where there are more riders in a class than can safely race together, qualifying, either by time trial or heats and semis, shall determine who rides in the final. This shall be the Referee’s decision.
(ii) All riders must have the option of a front row start for their first qualifying race.
(iii) Pole position will be the outside of the row closest to the stands.
When all riders in one class race in more than one qualifying heat, all those not qualifying directly to the final shall be eligible for the semi final, whether or not they have finished or started their heat.
Subject to equipment availability, qualifying and starting positions for the Expert class at National Championship Rounds, shall be determined by time trials. Riders will be allowed 1 warm up lap and 1 timed lap. Riders may wave off once only. The wave-off must be indicated at number 4 corner and the 2nd lap only will be considered as the official time, when such a situation occurs.
Any rider who qualifies for the final from a heat race, who changes bikes prior to the start of the final must inform the Referee and must start from the penalty line. A rider who does not inform the Referee of this change and who starts the final in their original qualifying position will be disqualified. Refer to Sport Code D-5(b).
Where qualifying is necessary, 2 alternates shall be prepared to start the final. Alternates are taken from the last qualifying race or races immediately preceding the final. If there is more than one qualifying race of equal status (i.e. 2 semis) one alternate is taken from each semi. Alternates are ranked according to the times of the semis.
(i) If any qualified riders fail to reach the start line by the time limit (Q-9 (b) (i)) the alternate(s) shall be permitted to start. Alternates are considered "active" until the green flag is displayed at the end of the first lap.
(ii) When an alternate replaces a disqualified rider, they will take the last starting spot; all other riders will bump up according to their start positions.
(i) Starts will be standing start by clutch with engine running.
(ii) Any rider who jumps the starting line (tires roll over the lime line) before the starting signal is given, will start from the penalty line.
(iii) One starting line for each row, 11 meters apart, will be plainly marked by means of slaked lime. The penalty line will be 11 metres beyond the final starting line.
(i) The starter shall commence starting procedure within 2 minutes after the time the first rider arrives at the starting line. A race shall be considered as started when the starting signal is given, except in the case of a false start. It shall be considered a false start when one or more competitors leave the starting line before the starting signal is given.
(ii) Start procedure national championships. Starter stands in front of riders as they line up. After signaling the number of laps to be run, the starter will stand at the inside of the starting line and pick up starting light switch while timer (assistant Referee) will stand in front on side of track with 10 second board in hand.
When the starter is at his spot with switch in hand, timer will raise the 10 second board above his head; at 5 seconds he will turn board around. At that point the starter may activate the start at any time from 5 to 0 seconds.
If a rider rides over chalk line before start signal, red flag goes up for false start and rider involved goes to penalty line. The starter is the judge for a false start.
The only persons authorized to stop a race are the Referee or his delegate and this shall be done by holding the red flag overhead. All competitors must stop racing immediately.
Where a race is stopped, the position of the riders at the last check over the finish line, previous to the stop signal shall be considered the finishing positions. The rider responsible for the stoppage shall be placed last in the results.
When a final is stopped with 2 or more scoring laps completed, a single file restart shall take place (riders one meter apart). If less than 2 laps are completed, a complete restart shall take place (except Speedway). If a qualifying race is stopped, it shall be rerun at the Referee’s discretion.
(i) When a race is restarted, the rider or riders responsible shall be placed last in the restart positions. (i.e. first rider down last; second rider down – second last...) or (penalty row).
A rider may not restart if the race was stopped due to his falling and inability to get off the track due to apparent injury.
(ii) All those who originally started will be eligible to restart (exception Q-ll (b) (i)), provided they are ready within two (2) minutes of the specified time of the restart which shall be indicated by the Referee raising the green flag.
(i) Restarts regardless of the number and including any penalties applied are treated as a continuation of the original start.
(ii) Riders who originally started (came under starter’s orders) in the first start of any race, and are not subject to exclusion from the restart, are eligible to restart or rejoin the race at any time.
(iii) Should a race be stopped but not completed, riders must return their motorcycles to the designated work area only, if repairs are needed. Any rider returning a motorcycle to the paddock will be disqualified.
Designated area will be determined and marked by the Referee and will be announced at the riders’ meeting.
A race will be terminated by displaying the checkered flag when the required number of laps have been completed. The white flag will be displayed to indicate when there is one lap to go in the competition.
The winner of the race is the rider who crosses the finish line ahead of the others when the checkered flag is displayed.
To be classed as a finisher of a race, a rider must:
cross the finish line when the checkered flag is displayed
cross the finish line within 2 minutes of the winner
complete 3/4 of the laps of the winner rounded off to the higher number.
Non finishers are not eligible for awards or points.
A rider may use any motorcycle which has been officially entered in the event, has passed technical inspection and is legal for the class involved.
When more than one competitor uses the same machine, the riding number of the competitor in his/her class must be displayed each time they participate.
A cross country race held on a closed course, 5 to 25 km in length and of 2 to 3 hours duration.
Where numbers warrant, riders shall be classified into First and Second Division.
Reference Age Definitions Q-2
– Novice – age minimum 12, maximum 17.
Sportsman – Limited to first year Novice, retired veteran Speedway racers who are not currently competing in any other Speedway class
Machine capacities shall be limited to a maximum of 250 cc for Novices (minimum 12 maximum 16 on January 1). For other classes 500 cc plus 2% overbore. Novices are limited to a maximum of 250 cc 4 strokes.
Number plates are required, and shall be 9 x 11 oval or rectangle (with matt finish) affixed to the front right, and left sides of the machine.
Plate must legibly carry rider’s assigned number, minimum 6″ high with 1″ stroke. Contours and size relative to other numbers on the plate must be in harmony. Black number on white background.
Machines may not have operating brakes. A decompressor or kill button shall not be considered a “brake”.
Machines must be fitted with an operative “deadman” switch of the lanyard type which will operate when the rider is separated from the machine.
Folding footrests and rear wheel discs are optional.
Wheels, Rims and Tires
– The only permitted rear tires are FIM homologated Speedway tires.
– Front tire must be of a “trial” or “enduro” type pattern.
– The inside of spoked, cast or welded wheels must be covered with a disc or shield.
The top and bottom runs of the primary chain and the engine sprocket must be totally enclosed.
Machines must be fitted with a rear sprocket guard located in the frame loop on the left side of the machine, and extending below the bottom frame rail to cover the area of the chain from the sprocket to the frame rail.
Plugs must be placed in the ends of the handlebars.
Mufflers must be equipped with a safety cable to prevent loss.
(i) Oil Catch Tanks
All pre 1995 upright machines must be equipped with an oil catch tank with a minimum volume of 300cc to be emptied after each heat or race
(ii) Carburetors
Machines must be fitted with a single cylinder 4 stroke engine with a maximum capacity of 500cc, 4 valves maximum, fitted with one (1) carburetor with a maximum diameter of 34mm and one spark plug.
(iii) Carburetion Instruments
A section of the carburetion instrument induction tract must have a constant circular shape with a maximum circumference of 34.00 mm (+0.1 mm). Only one (1) single fuel nozzle is permitted. No other additions are permitted in the air induction tract.
On the air intake side, this circular section will be measured from the slide/throttle valve edge over a minimum length of 5mm.
On the engine side, this circular section will be measured from the slide/throttle valve edge over a minimum length of 25mm.
On the engine side, an additional hole (maximum circumference 6mm) is permitted to be used for engine starting purposes (choke).
– for two valve engines an additional jet and/or additional hole (maximum diameter 2mm) on the engine side is authorized to improve the engine’s response at lower rpm.
All machines must have a chain-break safety peg installed below and behind (to the rear of) the clutch sprocket.
Refer to Dirt Track Q-4
Short Track races may never include more than 6 riders (does not apply to Scratch Races). For 1/2 Mile, the width of the track in feet (at the starting line) divided by S shall determine the maximum number of starters to a total of 8 permitted on the track in one line.
If 2 lines are used (e.g. 1st and 2nd Divisions) the number on each line shall be reduced to a maximum of 4, with the 2nd line riders behind the spaces in the first line.
The maximum number of riders in the final shall be the same as the maximum permitted by the above formula.
In Line staging, the lowest number is on the inside of the track, e.g. gated inside, counting out.
Where a speedway class is included in a regular short track programme:
(i) Speedway configuration bikes may not run in regular classes.
(ii) Dirt Track configuration bikes may not run in Speedway classes. The
fuel used by a motorcycle shall only be one of the determining factors.
Others shall include frame and chassis, engine, etc. The decision as to
whether a machine falls under the “dirt track” or “speedway” class shall
be the Referee’s subject to the normal appeal to the Region.
150 to 200 yard tracks are permitted.
Speedway class races on 1/2 Mile tracks must be scheduled for 4 laps.
Programme must provide a minimum of a heat, semi and final.
National Championships held on 1/2 Miles will be decided by final event only.
At both 1/2 Mile and Short Track Championships all machines that make the final will be impounded following the race for the 30 minute protest period.
Scratch Races on Short Tracks
4 riders maximum; duration of race 4 laps
Programme must provide a minimum of 3 races for each rider unless this would result in a race with less than 3 riders. Races can be either a heat, semi and final, or 3 heats for total points.
Handicap Races – duration of race 6 laps; handicapping at discretion of the organizer.
Riders shall have a maximum 2 minute delay to get to the starting line.
Request for delay may be indicated by a raised arm, and the official signal, from the Referee or his delegate, must be made apparent to all riders in the race.
False starts will result in the offending rider being placed 10 yards back from his original start position.
Starting Procedure
May be one of the following at the discretion of the Referee:
(i) Riders will come up to but not touch the starting gate tape. Riders who touch the tape will go back to the penalty line;
(ii) Per rule Q-9 (b) (ii).
Starting Procedure – 1/2 Mile
(i) Riders will come to the line. If they cross the line with their tires before the tape is released, they will go back to the penalty line.
(ii) After leaving the starting line, riders will maintain a straight course for a distance of at least 30 yards before changing course. Riders who do not maintain a straight course will be penalized one position in the order of finishing.
If a race is stopped and subsequently re-run, the rider who caused the race to be stopped shall be handicapped on the re-start. Any rider eligible to take in the re-run may change his motorcycle with the permission of the Referee. Refer to Sport Code D-5(b)
A rider who causes a race to be stopped will be penalized on any re-run by starting from a 10 yard penalty line, at the Referee’s discretion.
If 2 riders fall in the first lap, the race will be stopped, with the rider causing the stop given a ten meter penalty.
A race will be terminated by displaying the checkered flag when the required number of laps have been completed. To be classed as a finisher a rider must:
cross the finish line when the checkered flag is displayed.
cross the finish line within 2 minutes of the winner.
complete 3/4 of the laps of the winner rounded off to the higher number.
Non finishers are not eligible for points.
Recommendations to Organizers
The referee should be located in a raised vantage point at the start/finish line.
Where possible, starting will be by means of a vertical rise gate.
Expansion of these rules including track sizes, composition, safety, formats for meets, etc. is available from head office.
National classes shall be established by the CMA board as required.
(i) Lightweight Superstock Novice (permits aftermarket exhaust) Up to 500cc 4 stroke singles or twins
Regional classes shall be approved as submitted annually by the organizers provided they conform to the safety regulations in the CMA Sport Code and Road Race Rule Book.
Participants must possess a current CMA licence valid for road racing.
Minimum age is 16 on the birthday of the rider, except Lightweight Superstock Novice minimum is 14.
Competitor’s machines shall be fitted with three number plates securely fastened to the machine, and bearing the rider’s own CMA competition number (8″ high with 1″ stroke) as issued by Head Office. Number plates must be of plastic material, not metal; numbers and plates must have a matte finish; numbers must be legible.
Number Plate Colours
Expert – black numbers on white plate
Novice – red numbers on white plate
Where an intermediate class is established – black numbers on yellow plate
Machines ridden by more than one competitor, such as sidecars or entries in marathon races – white numbers on black plate
Competitors must wear CMA approved riding equipment in good condition, consisting of leather gloves, leather jacket, leather pants, leather boots of a maximum height of 8″ from the top of the sole and overlapping the pants, approved racing helmet, approved face shield or goggles with soft or padded rims. This rule also applies to practicing. Hard plastic boots manufactured for motorcycle competition may be substituted for leather.
Approved helmets must be certified by the manufacturer as meeting at least one of the following standards, and must have the official certification label(s) affixed (clearly visible, not painted over).
Accepted standards are:
Europe – ECE 22-05 (P only)
Great Britain – BS 6658 Grade A (Road Racing) and Grade B (all other disciplines)
Japan – JIS T 8133 : 2007
North America – Snell M2010, Scorpion ECE 750 Series
All machines must be fitted with properly working complete clutch, gear box, brakes and integral ball ended clutch and brake levers. Minimum size of ball end shall be 5/8″ diameter.
The rear wheel must have an efficient cover extending back to a vertical line drawn through the rear axle.
The top run of the primary drive must be covered.
All glass lenses must be removed or taped over.
All stands or other accessories considered dangerous by the scrutineer must be removed.
Each machine must be equipped with a self-closing twist grip type of throttle.
Each machine must be equipped with an effective kill switch placed on the handlebars within reach of the rider’s hand when his hand is in normal riding attitude.
All drain plugs must be adequately secured by some visible means. In case of the use of a material which must cure before it is effective, such material must be cured before the machine passes through a safety inspection.
All four stroke oil lines must be of high pressure type designed for automotive or motorcycle use – oil lines must be secured by good quality clamps or by swaged or threaded connections.
The only liquid coolants other than lubricating oil shall be water or water mixed with Ethyl alcohol.
Reflective material must be added to the rear of the machine when competition in an event which runs through the hours of darkness.
Supercharging by means of a device of any kind is forbidden in all events. The direct injection of fuel is not considered to be supercharging.
dBa maximum 105
Engine fuel must consist of gasoline defined as a petroleum fuel where specific gravity falls within range 0.765 at 60 degrees F and whose dielectric constant falls within the rate 2.025 + 5 (2.025 is “0” reference meter). Additives for lubrication and knock suppression will be permitted provided the resulting mixture falls within the above values.
Vehicles with three wheels making two or three tracks on the ground in the direction of forward travel, with a permanently attached sidecar forming a complete integral unit.
If three tracks are made, the centre line of the two track made by the motorcycle must be not more than 75mm apart. A track is determined by the longitudinal centre line of each of the vehicle’s wheels in the direction of forward travel.
All circuits will be inspected annually by a CMA authorized official.
Minimum standards for each location will be kept on file at head office.
Practice time for all classes must be available on the day of the race.
No rider’s entry will be accepted after the first race or heat has started, except in extreme circumstances at the discretion of the Referee.
As long as deemed safe by the Senior Referee, machines may be entered in higher capacity classes, in addition to the class in which the machine is eligible.
No machine may be ridden in the paddock or pit areas, except as permitted by the Referee.
Sidecars must race and practice alone.
Starts may either be clutch starts with the engine running or push starts with a dead engine. Production race starts shall be clutch starts or Le Mans-type start at the discretion of the organizers. In le Mans-type starts, a mechanic holds the machine at the rear. Electric starter may be used if fitted as standard.
When push starts or Le Mans starts are employed, there shall be a second flag for starting assistance. There shall be a second flag for starting assistance. The starter shall give this signal when the course is clear up to a maximum of 15 seconds after the start. A race shall be considered started when the starting signal is given, except in the case of a false start. It shall be considered a false start when one or more competitors leave the starting line before the signal is given.
The only persons authorized to stop a race are the Referee or his delegate and this shall be done by holding the red flag overhead and all competitors must stop racing immediately.
Where a race is stopped, the positions of the riders at the last check over the finish line, previous to the stop signal, shall be considered for the finishing positions. The rider responsible for the stoppage shall be placed last in the race.
Non National Championship, Semi Final and non qualifying races which are stopped before the official distance has been run, will be counted if 50% of the event has been completed. The Referee will decide the length of any required rerun, and at what point a non qualifying race is considered complete.
Where a race is restarted, the rider responsible shall be placed last in the restart positions. When a scoring lap has not been completed, they will start behind the others. Where a race is restarted after the completed of one or more "scoring laps", and the full race is not to be re-run, riders shall be started in single file based on their positions on the last scored lap.
All those who originally started will be eligible to restart, providing they are ready at the specified time of the restart, except where a race was stopped due to a fallen rider’s inability to get off the track because of apparent injury. In that case, the rider may not restart.
Treatment of restarts, including any penalties applied, shall be administered in the context that restarts (one or more), are a continuation of the original start. Riders who originally started i.e. were on the line and came under starter’s orders in the original or first start of any given race, and are not subject to permanent exclusion from the balance of the original race are eligible to restart or rejoin the race at any time.
A race will be terminated by displaying the checkered flag. This will be done when (a) the stipulated number of laps have been completed or (b) when the time period has elapsed.
Regardless of whether the race is a number of laps or a time period, the blue and white flag will be displayed to indicate there is one lap to go in the competition.
Where the race is a time period, the one lap signal shall be given when the leading rider has completed the time designated or his first crossing of the finish line after the time has elapsed.
The winner of the race is the rider who takes the checkered flag ahead of the others. To be classed as a finisher of a race, a rider must:
(i) have completed at least 3/4 of the laps of the, winner rounded off to the highest number.
(ii) the lap scoring will stop 3 minutes after the designated number of laps or time has elapsed.
(iii) classification will be based on order and number of completed laps recorded.
(iv) a rider must complete one full circuit of the track to be credited with a lap.
Non finishers are not eligible for awards or points.
A rider must complete a given heat, semi or final using the same machine on which he starts that heat, semi or final.
During a race, the motorcycle must be moved by the power of its own engine, the muscular power of the rider and/or passenger if any or natural causes such as the force of gravity.
If a machine enters the paddock area, it must no re-enter the race, except in the case of endurance races where specified in supplementary regulations.
Any machine involved in a crash necessitating a restart must be rescrutineered before allowed to restart.
A rider may, at the Referee’s discretion, be permitted the use of any motorcycle which has been officially entered in the event, has passed scrutineering and is legal for the class involved. In all cases where more than one competitor uses the same machine, applicable riding numbers are to be used at all times. Failure to obtain Referee’s approval for use of the machine means disqualification.
Additional Regulations 24 Hour Marathon
Reflective tape to be attached to the back of all riders helmets.
During hours of darkness, brake lights must be inoperative.
Each team must designate one crew member to be on duty during fuel stops to operate a fire extinguisher if necessary.
Definition: Competition on paved closed course circuits or paved lots to a maximum of 1,600 metres in length. All Road Racing regulations apply unless otherwise specified in the following rules.
Rider Classes
Spec Over 21 – intermediate and expert riders over 21 (Spec class motorcycles only)
Spec Under 21 – intermediate and expert riders under 21 (Spec class motorcycles only)
Formula Over 21 – expert riders over 21 (Formula class motorcycles only)
Formula Under 21 – expert riders under 21 (Formula class motorcycles only)
Machine Classes
(i) Youth
(ii) Pocket Bike Stock maximum 40cc
(iii) Pocket Bike Open maximum 50cc
(iv) Intermediate Spec Supersport
(v) Spec Supersport
(vi) Formula Supersport
(vii) Intermediate Spec Thunder
(viii) Spec Thunder
(ix) Formula Thunder
(x) Motard
(xi) Formula GP
Intermediate class is a Non Championship Progressive class. Riders will be moved out of the class once they have obtained a level of competency as determined by the CMA.
Open Class riders are prohibited from participating in Intermediate Classes.
Every section / subsection is prioritized in a hierarchical structure. A prior entry in a section or subsection will supersede the latter entry in all cases of interpretation.
Machine Specifications
(i) machines are limited to a maximum of 50cc air cooled 2 stroke and maximum 70cc air cooled 4 stroke engines.
(ii) external gearing changes allowed
(iii) carburetor modifications are restricted to changes in needle jet, pilot jet and main jet only
(iv) main jetting is limited to 25% of stock jetting
(v) no slick tires
Pocket Bike Stock 40cc
(i) all spec bikes allowed
(ii) limited to 40cc air cooled 2 stroke engines
(iii) external gearing changes allowed.
(iv) aftermarket tires allowed
(v) aftermarket reeds allowed (no changes to OEM reed cage allowed).
(vi) Chinese pocket bikes may be modified with no restrictions on modifications (OEM engine cases and chassis must be retained).
Pocket Bike Open 50cc
(i) limited to 50cc air cooled 2 stroke engines
(ii) no restriction on modifications
(i) maximum 125cc 4 stroke liquid or air cooled, maximum 50cc 2 stroke liquid or air cooled engine.
Spec Supersport
(i) factory built machine using a sport bike style frame
(ii) maximum 50cc liquid cooled 2 stroke, maximum 80cc air cooled 2 stroke, maximum 125cc air cooled 4 stroke engines.
(iii) only OEM oversized piston sizes or equivalent permitted
(iv) carburetor modifications are limited to changes to needle jet, pilot jet and main jet only
(v) main jetting is not to exceed 25% of stock jetting
(vi) external gearing changes are allowed
(vii) aftermarket bodywork may be used but must serve in the same capacity as stock, using stock mounting points
(viii) stock gas tank must be used
(ix) aftermarket fasteners allowing for safety wiring purposes allowed
(x) aftermarket brake and clutch levers allowed (stock master cylinder must be used)
(xi) aftermarket brake pad and shoes permitted
(xii) aftermarket foot pegs or modifications to OEM foot pegs allowed (stock mounts must be used)
(xiii) battery, wiring harness and ignition switch may be modified or removed (kill switch must be retained)
(xiv) kick starter and/or shaft and gear may be removed (an effective oil seal must be in place)
(xv) aftermarket clutch springs and plates allowed
(xvi) speedometer and cable may be removed
(xvii) aftermarket handlebars and clip-ons may be used (must mount in stock position)
(xviii)10" to 17" wheels are permitted
(xix) modifications to stock air box allowed
(xx) installation of spacers/tubing, springs and fork oil to stiffen suspension (stock factory suspension adjustments must be utilized)
Formula Supersport
(i) factory built machine using a sport bike style frame
(ii) maximum 65cc liquid cooled 2 stroke, maximum 80cc air cooled 2 stroke, maximum 125cc liquid cooled 4 stroke, maximum 160cc air cooled 4 stroke engines.
(iii) 10†to 17†wheels are permitted
(iv) no restrictions on modifications.
Spec Thunder
(i) factory built machine using an off road style frame
(ii) all OEM, manufacturer components and engine must be stock
(iii) maximum 125cc single cylinder 4 stroke air cooled engines
(iv) carburetor modifications are limited to changes to needle jet, pilot jet, and main jet only
(v) main jetting is not to exceed 25% of stock jetting
(vi) OEM oversized pistons or equivalent allowed
(vii) external gearing changes permitted
(viii) modifications to stock seat allowed (must retain stock mounting points)
(ix) aftermarket handlebars allowed (must retain stock mounting points with grips above upper triple tree)
(x) installation of spacers/tubing, springs and fork oil to stiffen suspension (stock factory suspension adjustments must be utilized)
(xi) OEM wheel hubs and rims must be used.
(xii) heavy duty spokes allowed
(xiii) aftermarket DOT tires are allowed
Formula Thunder
(i) factory built machine using an off road style frame
(ii) maximum 65 cc liquid cooled 2 stroke, maximum 80cc air cooled 2 stroke, maximum 125cc liquid cooled 4 stroke, maximum 200cc air cooled 4 stroke engines.
(i) factory built machine using an off road style frame
(ii) Minimum 64cc liquid cooled 2 stroke, minimum 140cc air cooled 4 stroke, maximum 105cc liquid or air cooled 2 stroke, maximum 150cc liquid cooled 4 stroke, maximum 200cc air cooled 4 stroke engines.
(iii) aftermarket handlebars allowed (must retain stock mounting points with grips above upper triple tree)
Formula GP
(i) factory built machine using a sport bike style frame
(ii) minimum 64cc liquid cooled 2 stroke, minimum 140cc air cooled 4 stroke, maximum 93cc liquid cooled 2 stroke, maximum 150cc liquid cooled 4 stroke
(i) any spec class machine
(ii) open to Intermediate and Expert women riders
Youth – minimum 6/maximum 9.
Intermediate – minimum age 10. Riders will be moved out of the intermediate class once a level of competency is demonstrated as determined by the CMA.
Expert – minimum age 10. Issued to riders with previous road racing experience or once a level of competency is demonstrated by an Intermediate licence holder as determined by the CMA.
Age Definitions
– Minimum age is based on the birthday of the rider
– Maximum is the end of the year in which the rider reaches the age.
Numbers and Number Plates
all machines must display the riders assigned CMA competition number
competition numbers must be displayed on the front and each side of the machine either on number plates or affixed to the bodywork.
numbers must be black or white on contrasting background
numbers must be a minimum of 6†high for the front and 3†for the side/ Youth minimum 4†front and 3†side
numbers and plates must have a matte finish and must be legible
When last call is announced riders will have 3 minutes to report to Pre Grid before the track closes. Anyone not on the track by closure time will not get a warm up lap and will be gridded behind the others.
In the event of a mechanical problem after staging, the rider is permitted 1 minute to get the machine operational.
When a rider or riders leave the starting line before the signal is given there will be no restart. The penalty is a minimum of 5 positions or more at the discretion of the Senior Official.
Guidelines for Parking Lot Tracks
The track must be inspected and approved by the Senior Official on race day.
Track definitions must be by tape and markers whenever possible.
Run off, or clear area (no curbstones, parked vehicles) must be provided at each corner which enables the rider to recover safely if leaving the track.
Corners should vary and type and degree to provide competitors with a challenging course and must be indicated by pylons, hay bales, tires, soft material or bendable stakes, and must be moveable. The use of
motor vehicles is prohibited.
A #1 Plate in the Spec Supersport Class will be awarded to the champion commencing 2011.
Tie Breaking Procedure
When an event programme has a multi race format rather than a final for a class, ties will be broken based on the results of the last race.
Youth / up to 150cc 4 stroke/100cc 2 stroke
250 Novice, Intermediate, Expert / up to 250cc 4 stroke/200cc 2 stroke
450 Novice, Intermediate, Expert / 251 – 450cc 4 stroke/201 – 300cc 2 stroke
Open Novice, Intermediate, Expert / Over 450cc 4 stroke/over 300cc 2 stroke
Sportsman – 201cc and over
Vintage: 1987 and prior air cooled engines (exceptions for Yamaha and CAN AM single shock, no linkage).
ATV Novice, Intermediate, Expert studded up to 350cc 2 stroke / up to 500cc 4 Stroke
ATV Novice, Intermediate, Expert studded over 350cc 2 stroke / over 500cc 4 Stroke maximum 800cc 2 or 4 stroke
ATV Exhibition, maximum 1200cc (nitrous oxide, superchargers, turbos not permitted)
ATV non studded – no rider classification, 2 wheel drive, any displacement
ATV non studded – no rider classification, 4 wheel drive, any displacement
ATV machines may be entered in 1 class only, with the exception of the Exhibition class.
Sidecars Traditional Configuration
Sidecars Modified
Classes awarding National Championship status will be determined annually.
Youth up to l00 cc
125 Novice
250 Novice, Intermediate, Expert
Displacement limits for classes will be as listed, plus 5%. This 5% is to permit overbores to compensate for wear. However, any engine within the total maximum allowable cc’s shall be legal for the class regardless of how its displacement is obtained. (sleeving, stroking permitted) i.e. 250 class Will allow 250 cc + 12.5 = 262.5 cc.
The #1 Plate for Ice Racing will be awarded to the 450 Expert Champion.
Minimum age is the birthday of the rider/ maximum is the end of the year in which the rider reaches the age.
Youth : minimum 11/maximum 14
Expert and Speedway : minimum 15
Veteran: minimum 39
All others : minimum 13
All machines shall be fitted with three number plates securely fastened to the machine, and bearing the rider’s own CMA competition number.
Number Plate Colours:
Expert – black numbers on white plate
Intermediate – black numbers on yellow plate
Novice – red numbers on white plate
Youth – black numbers on white plate
Women – According to their rider classification
Veteran – According to their rider classification
ATV Machines must be fitted with 2 number plates on the front and on the left side of the machine, minimum 8" x 8". Numbers must be minimum 2" stroke.
Snowmobile suits or enduro jackets may be worn.
Footwear permitted shall be:
(i) Leather boots of a minimum height of 8″ from the top of the sole.
(ii) Competition snowmobile boots having a heavy rubber base with leather above and a steel toe and shank. This will not include a “Standard” snowmobile boot having a light rubber base with a nylon top and soft felt liner.
(iii) Other footwear generally falling within the confines of (i) or (ii) providing it has a rubber boot, leather top, steel shank and toe.
Approved helmets must be certified by the manufacturer as meeting at least one of the following standards, and must have the original certification label(s) affixed (clearly visible/not painted over).
Accepted standards are:
Europe – ECE 22-05 (P only)
Great Britain – BS 6658 Grade A (Road Racing) and Grade B (all other disciplines)
Japan – JIS T 8133 : 2007
North America – Snell M2010, Scorpion ECE 750 Series
The wearing of a chest protector is compulsory.
(i) Machines must be fitted with a rear brake only (except Speedway).
(ii) Front Wheel
The left side of the front tire must be shielded so that no screws are exposed forward ahead of the forks above the axle plane.
Rear Wheel
The left side of the rear wheel must be shielded so that no screws are exposed.
(iii) Machines must be fitted with an operative kill switch of the lanyard type.
(iv) All ATVs (except non studded classes) must be fitted with a rear bumper extending past the diameter of the rear wheels. The bumper must be minimum 6″ high, minimum 6″ from the ground and firmly attached to the machine. Malleable steel or automobile exhaust pipe is recommended.

(v) Sidecars are defined as vehicles with 3 wheels, making only 2 tracks on the ground in the direction of forward travel, with an attached sidecar, forming a complete integral unit.
For oval ice racing, the sidecar must be on the left hand side when sitting on the motorcycle.
(i) Traditional Configuration – a conventional motorcycle with 3 wheels making only 2 tracks on the ground in the direction of forward travel, with a rigidly attached, non articulating sidecar forming a complete integral unit.
(ii) Modified – a 2 wheeled motorcycle styled unit with 3 wheels making only 2 tracks on the ground in the direction of forward travel, with an attached sidecar that may be of nonconventional design, forming a complete integral unit.
(vi) The use of handlebars made from carbon, kevlar or any other composite materials is forbidden.
Engine fuel must consist of gasoline defined as a petroleum fuel where specific gravity falls within the range .700 to .765 at 60 degrees F, and whose dielectric constant falls within the range 2.025 + 5 (2.025 is “0” reference meter). Additives for lubrication and knock suppression will be permitted, provided the resulting mixture falls within the above values. Speedway Fuel reference Q-15(c). Supercharging by means of a device of any kind is forbidden. The direct injection of fuel is not considered to be supercharging.
(i) The height of the stud head and any incorporated washer(s) must not exceed 8.5mm
(ii) Minimum width of head 2.5mm, maximum width of head 5/16″. Screws that meet height and width requirements and have at least half of the screw at the top no deeper than 4.5 mm are acceptable
(iii) Production slotting or cutting which was originally intended to provide a method of inserting the screw (such as a screw driver slot or a Phillips driver depression) is permitted.
Multi insertion slots are not permitted, nor is cross cutting allowed.
(iv) Studs which comply with all of the shape and design factors shown in this rule book may be modified to the extent that filing (not grinding) across the flat surface of the head (including the production lip) will be permitted. The filing must be done on a plane parallel to the standard stud head contour, ie. at a 90 degree angle to the vertical line of the threaded portion of the stud.
May be filed in this direction only on the head flat – not on the sides of the head.

(v) Production studs may not have a washer or other device added under the head on the outside of the tire, regardless of the fact they could still meet the 1/4″ height measurement.
(vi) The Referee shall have the authority to decide what constitutes a "legal stud" under this rule. His decision is subject to appeal to the Region Competition Committee after the race meet where the stud is found to be illegal.
(vii) On oval tracks front tires may not be studded on the right outside third, (does not apply to ATVs).
(viii) DBA 100 maximum.
250 Intermediate – 10%
450 Intermediate – 10%
250 Expert – 10%
450 Expert – 40%
Open Expert – 20%
ATV Expert 5% / Intermediate 5%
Payable to 4 positions 40% / 30% / 20% / 10%
All others Trophies only
Youth and Novice – trophies only (min. 3 places) Other classes at organizer’s discretion.
When an event is uncompleted through force majeur, the remaining prize money shall immediately be made available to the National Office for distribution as they decide.
In the event of a dead-heat, the money for the two positions will be divided equally. The points for the higher position shall be duplicated.
The track shape may be oval or kidney; (oval only for national rounds) recommended minimum 400 meters in length and a minimum of 30 feet wide.
This information shall be supplied on the sanction application. (not applicable to indoor ice races).
Where the track is defined by snowbanks, some identifying markers (i.e. painted snow) must be used.
There must be a minimum 20 meter zone around the perimeter of the outside bank of the track that is free of vehicles or structures.
No rider’s entry will be accepted after the first race or heat has started, except in extreme circumstances at the discretion of the Referee.
No machines may be ridden in the paddock or pit areas, except as permitted by the Referee.
At the discretion of the Referees, capacity classes may practice together. Rider classes may not be mixed for practice.
Tires shall be marked (painted) at technical inspection to indicate that studs have been examined and are legal.
When riders wish to change tires during an event, they must present them for examination and marking.
All tires shall be inspected on the starting line before the start of the race, by an official, to assure they have the appropriate approval mark.
When a decision by the Referee concerning stud legality is overturned by the Sport Panel. Results of the event where the protest was filed will be modified accordingly. Prizes will be held until a decision is reached.
Practising the day before is prohibited on a track to be used for a National Championship.
The winners may be determined by a Final only, or a series of heats at the discretion of the Region Sport Panel (finals only at National Championship Rounds).
The organizers shall have the right to require semi finals to be qualifying races even if all riders will transfer to the final
When using a 3 or more heat structure, points for each heat shall be awarded to the top 10 finishers as follows: 15, 12, 10, 8, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, l. Ties in points shall be broken by the number of first places, second places etc. If still a tie, the best performance in the last heat shall receive the higher position.
Championship points (National and Regional) will be awarded to each individual rider, regardless of whether or not they are racing as a team.
Maximum starters in the front row shall be determined by dividing the width of track in feet by 4.
Where there are more starters (entries) in a class than the front row can accommodate qualifying heats must run to determine front row starters for the final. Qualifying heats may not contain more riders than the maximum permitted by R-9(a). Where riders qualify for a final from semis or consolations and there are available places on the front row, said riders are to be permitted a front row start.
Grooming of the starting line and surrounding area by rider crews is not permitted. This includes the use of brooms, brushes, vacuums blowers or any other devices to remove snow shale or ice.
Grooming of the starting line and surrounding area by rider crews is not permitted. This includes the use of brooms, brushes, vacuums blowers or any other devices to remove snow shale or ice.
A race is started when the starting signal is given. It is a false start when one or more competitors leave the starting line before the starting signal is given. When there is a false start, the rider(s) responsible shall be moved to a penalty line, 11 metres behind the original start line, for the restart.
The only persons authorized to stop a race are the referee or his delegate and this is done by holding the red flag overhead. All competitors must stop racing immediately.
Where a race is stopped, the positions of the riders at the last check over the finish line, previous to the stop signal shall be considered the finishing positions. The rider(s) responsible for the stoppage shall be placed last in the results.
Where a race is restarted, the rider(s) responsible are placed last in the restart positions. When a scoring lap has not been completed, they will start behind the others.
Where a race is restarted after the completion of one or more “scoring laps” and the full race is not to be re-run, riders shall be started in single file based on their positions on the last scoring lap.
Non National Championship, Semi Final and non qualifying races which are stopped before the official distance has been run, will be counted if 50% of the event has been completed. The Referee will decide the length of any required rerun, and at what point a non qualifying race is considered completed.
A race will be terminated by displaying the checkered flag when the required number of laps have been completed. The white flag will be displayed to indicate when there is one lap to go in the competition.
The winner of the race is the rider who crosses the finish line ahead of the others when the checkered flag is displayed.
To be classed as a finisher of a race, a rider must:
cross the finish line when the checkered flag is displayed
cross the finish line within 2 minutes of the winner
complete 3/4 of the laps of the winner rounded off to the higher number.
Non-finishers are not eligible for awards or points.
A rider must complete a given heat, semi or final using the same machine on which he starts that heat, semi, or final.
A competitor may not enter or ride the same machine in two different capacity classes.
A rider may use any motorcycle which has been officially entered in the event, has passed technical inspection and is legal for the class involved.
When more than one competitor uses the same machine, his\her official racing number must be displayed each time they participate unless an exception has been granted by the Referee prior to the race(s) in question.
Starting area shall be on the infield (inside area) of the track except in final events where 2 start rows are used.
Where the ice surface is surrounded by board walls, corner and end boards must be lined with hay bales, or the approved cushioning devices.
Corner markers and starting lines may be moved at the discretion of the referee in order to preserve the ice surface.
Starting area shall be on the infield (inside area) of the track except in final events where 2 start rows are used.
Front fender is optional (recommended).
Maximum number of riders on track – 8
Machines are limited to stock, ie production wheels suspension and chassis in an original configuration or classification of street, dual purpose, motocross, Enduro, or production Dirt Trackers under 375 cc.
Where the capacity classes are run together due to insufficient entries, they must be scored separately and awards given separately. 2 row starts are recommended.
Engine modifications are permitted.
Frames may not be modified (except gusseting).
Sprockets may be changed for purpose of altering gear ratios.
Front brake must be disconnected.
Components of different models from the same manufacturer may not be interchanged, nor from different manufacturers.
It is the responsibility of the rider to prove legality of machinery to race official’s satisfaction, by supplying documentation on demand, and before competing.
Machines may be ridden only in one class per race day by the same rider. It may be raced by another rider in a different class.
Directional tires are not permitted. Directional tires are defined as those whose 3 centre rows have the leading edge of the knobs forming a V in any way.
Studs must conform to rule R-4 (g) for design and have:
– 1 stud maximum per knob on front tire,
– 2 studs maximum per knob on rear tire.
Production knobbies may not be cut down the centre to provide extra knobs.